At some point in our lives, many of us have encountered feelings of anxiety. These emotions can vary from strong concern and discomfort to physical symptoms such as chest tightness, breathlessness, and dizziness.
When we feel unwell, our initial reaction is often to assume that something is seriously amiss – why else would we feel this way?
However, what if we label these negative feelings as anxiety and stress when they might be something entirely different?
If you are reading this, it is likely that you are a sensitive individual. What if this sensitivity didn't need to pose a problem anymore?
Sensitive individuals have the gift of acting like emotional sponges – they naturally absorb the emotions of the world around them. If you are struggling with stress or anxiety, there is a possibility that you are absorbing the worries, chaos, and drama of the world. Our world is filled with turmoil and intensity making it effortless to assimilate others' emotions without even being aware of it.
Anxiety alternative to create change: Ask who does this belong to? This is one of my favorite tools from Access Consciousness. Since most of what we sense and feel is not ours, when we become aware of this fact it changes it. So asking " Is this mine or am I sensing, feeling, or having awareness of the energies around me?"
In times of stress or anxiety, we tend to link these feelings to external factors. We typically seek explanations in our circumstances, such as our job or relationships, assuming they are the cause. However, consider that it could actually be your mindset at play. Your outlook influences how you perceive reality. By considering alternative viewpoints, you can choose to shift away from autopilot mode and gain a fresh perspective.
Anxiety alternative to bring about change: Pose a question.
Asking questions is the most efficient method to open up new possibilities beyond stress and anxiety and liberate yourself from autopilot patterns. A question is an algorithm interrupt.
Some questions to help create a different point of view include:
What else is possible here?
How does it get any better than this?
What’s right about this that I’m not getting?
There are so many tools for change with anything in life. Sometimes it is just finding what works for you. For possibilities to explore further tools for change and to experience relaxation with modalities such as Access Bars, Reiki, and more visit
